Greetings, programs!
The Computer Science Club will be holding its termly elections[*] this
upcoming Thursday, Jan. 15 at 6PM in the Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). During
the election, the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary will
be elected, the sysadmin will be ratified, and the librarian and office
manager will be appointed.
If you'd like to run for any of these positions or nominate someone, you
can write your name on the board in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037) or send
me an email at cro(a) You may also, if you wish, deposit
nominations in the CSC mailbox in MathSoc or present them to me in person.
Nominations will close at 6PM on Wednesday, Jan. 14. Both veteran members
and newbies are welcome to run!
Voting will be heads-down, hands-up, restricted to MathSoc social members.
Elana Hashman
Chief Returning Officer
Computer Science Club
University of Waterloo
[*] Here are the relevant sections of the constitution, for your reference:
The election of officers shall be accomplished by the following procedure:
1. Before the end of the prior term, the then-Executive shall choose a
willing Chief Returning Officer, who is responsible for carrying out
elections according to this procedure.
2. The CRO shall set the date and time of the election meeting, and set
the nomination period. The nomination shall be at least one week long
and shall end at least 24 hours before the start of the election
3. Announcements of the election and the nomination procedure must be
distributed to all members by the members' mailing list, and should
also be advertised by posters in the MC building.
4. During the nomination period, the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) shall
be available to receive nominations for the posts of officers of the
club, either in person, by email, by depositing nomination forms in the
CSC's mailbox in the MathSoc office, or by writing the nomination in a
place in the CSC office to be specified by the CRO.
5. A nomination shall consist of the nominee's userid, and post(s)
nominated for. Nominees must be full members of the Computer Science
Club. A member may decline a nomination at any point prior to the
taking of the vote.
6. The election shall commence with the offering of memberships for sale.
After a reasonable time, control of the meeting is given to the CRO who
will preside over the election of the President, Vice-President,
Treasurer, and Secretary, in that order.
7. Each election shall be carried out by secret vote, in a manner to be
decided on by the CRO, with the approval of the members at the meeting.
A simple heads-down-hands-up method is considered acceptable.
8. The CRO shall not vote except to break a tie.
9. The CRO may, if feasible, accept absentee ballots from full members. No
absentee vote from a member shall be counted if the member is present
at the time the vote is taken. The CRO shall make a best effort to
ensure that absentee ballots are compatible with the method of voting
chosen; if this is not possible (for instance, if the CRO is overruled
by the membership), then the absentee votes shall not be counted.
10. Immediately after the vote is taken, the CRO will announce the results
of the election and the winner will be removed from subsequent
contests. If, due to lack of candidates (because there were no
nominations, or candidates withdrew or were eliminated), there is no
one elected to an office, then the members at the meeting will decide
whether or not to hold extra elections in accordance with the procedure
for vacancies. If they choose not to, this does not prevent the
Executive or a group of members from calling extra elections later in
the term in accordance with the usual vacancy provisions.