It's not too late! You can give a talk for the CSC.
This is a reminder that abstracts are due tomorrow if you want to give a talk.
But it is also early in the semester so don't be discouraged. If you want to
give a talk email me and we'll work something out. There are plenty of spots
Email the title and a paragraph or two describing the talk to:
Brennan Taylor b4taylor at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Attention Mathematically slanted Waterloo students: The CUMC is
looking for smart, energetic, dedicated volunteers to help with the
logistics of this years conference! The Conference runs July 6th to
July 10th, and is looking to recruit approximately 15 volunteers for
running the event.
Perks for being a Volunteer include having your conference fee waved,
special CUMC staff Merch (Staffers get super special staff t-shirts)
and of course the joy of helping out the exciting event this summer.
For more information on the event, check out the website at
If you would like to apply to be a volunteer, please send an email
with subject "VOLUNTEER", to cumc.2010(a) In the email,
indicate if you can commit full time, or if you have other academic
responsibilities that you will be doing concurrently. If you're
interested in being one of the 5-7 students who gets trained on the
visual equipment the conference will use, please indicate. We'll be
accepting application emails until June 3rd.
the CUMC team.
A bit more on CUMC: There is a discount on registration for UW students,
since it is in town it makes a really great deal. If you are interested in
attending more information can be found here:
Edgar Bering, Program Committee ebering at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club
Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Hello everyone,
The University of Waterloo will be hosting the IOI (International Olympiad
in Informatics) this August 14-21st.
CEMC (Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing) is looking for
volunteers to help us out during that week-long event. In particular, they
are still looking for people who are fluent in a language other than English
to volunteer as Guides. This is an exciting opportunity to meet people from
around the world, give a positive impression of Waterloo, Ontario and
Canada, and to practice your languages all while gaining volunteer hours.
Information about the 2010 IOI can be found at
The deadline for volunteering is this Friday. CEMC is still looking for a
Guides who speak one of the languages listed here:
Contact jnissen(a) with your information as soon as possible.
Calum T. Dalek
Hello everyone,
Just a quick reminder: Gerald Sussman is down for today and tomorrow
for a series of events. Full details can be found at
As always, if you have questions just reply to this email.
Calum T. Dalek
Hello CSCers!
We've got a big event happening next week. Gerald Sussman is coming in from
MIT to give a couple of public lectures. Gerald Sussman is, among other
things, the creator of Scheme - a programming language many of you are no
doubt familiar with.
There will be two talks and a public reception. Come out to the reception
for the free food and meet some people. If you have a copy of Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs bring it to the reception to get it
All of the details are located at .
For those of you not able to attend due to distance: there is a non-zero
probability that the lectures will be posted online in video form.
If you have any questions reply to this email.
Hello Members,
Welcome to the Spring 2010 term. This is the term Preview. We have a surprising
amount of stuff happening in a Spring term.
-- Membership
Remember to renew! If you can't remember if your membership is arranged for the
term, just ask.
-- Gerald Sussman
This is very cool. There will be an email very shortly with full details but
I'll let you in on a sneak peek. Gerald Sussman is coming to UW to give a few
talks and hang out next week. A coauthor of SICP, an ACM winner of the Karl
Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award in 1990 and the Amar G. Bose award for
teaching in 1991, and a laundry list of other very cool stuff. He's a man worth
meeting. Keep your eyes peeled.
-- Election Results
Our election for the Spring 2010 term was last Tuesday. The results and
appointments follow:
Prez - Jeff Cameron
Veep - Brennan Taylor
Trez - Vardhan Mudunuru
Sec - Matt Lawrence
Sysadmin - Mike Ellis
Office Manager - Edgar Bering
Librarian - Tapan Oza
-- Prof and Member Talks
We want lots of them! We are planning on running them like last semester where
we will run a talk every Tuesday at 4:30pm. But we need your help. Don't worry
it is easy. Give us suggestions for professors you would like to hear from. Or
better yet, volunteer to give a talk on whatever you find interesting within the
vast and exciting field of Computer Science. Send veep(a) an
abstract by May 28th.
Past suggestions from members about topics the members would like to hear about are:
*Prabhakar Ragde - A topic of his choice
*Ray Laflamme - Quantum Computing things
*Kate Larson - AI whatnot
*Ian Goldberg - Being Awesome
*Tim Brecht - OS Hotness
*Michael Best - Portfolio Optimization
-- Contest - Call for Volunteers
Zero experience required! Our President, Jeff Cameron, has worked hard in
previous terms to run a number of AI contests and as always he needs people to
help him out. There is so much to do and anyone that can contribute even in a
small way is much appreciated help. But there is more to it than that. You'll be
hooked! You'll be working in a decent sized team to make something great and
fun. You don't even need to know what the contest is or how our contests have
run in the past to help out.
-- Code Parties
We will be having them. They will be on Fridays on dates yet to be determined.
But if you keep your eye on the website we will give you plenty of notice. They
are always fun, and there is so much hacking of code to be done this term
Brennan Taylor b4taylor at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Hello everyone,
The spring 2010 elections will be at 5:30PM on Tuesday, May 11 in the
Comfy lounge. Nominees are:
- President: Jeff Cameron (j3camero), Kevin Farnworth (kfarnwor)
- Vice President: Brennan Taylor (b4taylor)
- Treasurer: Vardhan Mudunuru (vmudunur)
- Secretary: Matt Lawrence (m3lawren), Qifan Xi (qxi)
If you would like to vote absentee, please send your ballot to
cro(a) with one vote per position before 5:30pm on
Tuesday, May 11.
In addition, at this meeting the new executive will select a Systems
Administrator, decide on various appointed positions (Librarian,
Webmaster, Office Manager), and organize and add members to the standing
committees (Program Committee, Systems Committee).
So, if you want to get involved in running the club in some way or
another, come out to elections and volunteer.
As a reminder, membership dues must be paid termly, and you must be
registered for this term to vote. To renew you can come by the office in
MC3036, pay via paypal (instructions are here:, or come to the elections,
there will be time to renew memberships before the voting starts.
Edgar Bering, Chief Returning Officer ebering at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club
Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Hello everyone,
The Spring term is now upon us, and with it comes a new CS Club executive.
Nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary are
now open, and will remain open until Monday May 10 at 5:30pm. Elections
will be Tuesday May 11 at 5:30pm, location TBA.
If you would like to nominate yourself or a friend write their CSC
username on the whiteboard in the club, or send the nomination to
Information on absentee voting will be sent out along with a final list of
nominees at 5:30pm on Monday. The election location will be posted soon.
Edgar Bering, Chief Returning Officer ebering at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club
Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1