Worried about your upcoming WaterlooWorks technical interviews? Want to nail your dream internship this term? Come to the Algorithms Practice Workshop at 6:30 PM, January 24th at STC 0060!
During the workshop, you will learn tons of useful technical interview tips collected from experienced upper-year students, as well as gain hands-on experience by practicing efficiently!
Writing a good solution to the problem is only the beginning — technical interviewers are evaluating more than just your code. Let's learn how to impress them in multiple ways!
Please register here: https://goo.gl/forms/WnUOd5VWwUfwA3Ru2
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/554508501696081/
Aditya Thakral
Assistant Vice President
Computer Science Club
Hi all,
The remaining positions have been appointed:
Office Manager: Archer Zhang (z577zhan)
Librarian: Rishabh Minocha (rkminoch)
IMAPD/Pop: Marc Mailhot (mnmailho)
Aditya Thakral
Assistant Vice President
Computer Science Club
Hi all,
Elections took place tonight, here is the list of results:
President: Marc Mailhot (mnmailho)
Vice-President: Victor Brestoiu (vabresto)
Treasurer: Tristan Hume (tghume)
Assistant Vice President: Aditya Thakral (a3thakra)
Systems Administrator: Charlie Wang (s455wang)
The positions Office Manager, Librarian, and Fridge Regent/IMAPD are still open. These will be appointed at a later date. Please contact exec(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> if you are interested.
Aditya Thakral
Assistant Vice President
Computer Science Club
hi csc programs,
The nominations period for the Winter 2019 elections has closed. The
elections will be held tomorrow - Wednesday, January 16th - at 6:30pm
in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). There will be timbits and doughnuts
at the elections, nom nom.
If you attend elections, you must be a full member of the CSC in order
to vote or be elected. Per our constitution, full membership are those
who have paid their membership fees for the term and are MathSoc
Social/Voting Members. If you are a Math undergrad student or on a
official co-op term and have not refunded your fees, you are a MathSoc
Social/Voting member. You may also pay MathSoc in their office to
become a Social member.
If you can't attend the election, you may send in absentee votes to
cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca using your @csclub.uwaterloo.ca or
@edu.uwaterloo.ca email address and give a list of candidates you
approve of. *Do not reply to this email with your votes*
The current nominations for each position are as follows:
Assistant Vice-President
Systems Administrator
Office Manager
Hello CSC programs!
It's that time of the term - election time! That time of the term
where you get to congregate, see faces old and new, nom on tasty
timbits and execute your constitutional rights to vote in new exec.
The CSC elections will be held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm in
the MC Comfy Lounge. We will be electing a President, Vice President,
Assistant Vice President, and a Treasurer. The elected exec will
appoint a System Administrator, Office Manager, Librarian, and IMAPd.
You must be a MathSoc social member (e.g., a math faculty undergrad,
or other student who has paid MathSoc dues) to run for an elected
position or System Administrator, and to vote.
If you'd like to run or nominate someone for a position, please put a
piece of paper with their name and user id in the nominations box in the
CSC or email that information to cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca. The nomination
period will end one week from now, on Tuesday January 15th at 6pm.
A full description of the positions and procedures are in the CSC
constitution. We need at least 15 members to start the meeting. There
will be food. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
- melted, cro