Hello, this week the CSC is hosting two events.
The first is a talk entitled 'A Brief Introduction to Video Encoding'
on 2010-09-28 at 04:30 PM in MC4061. It will be presented by Peter Barfuss.
Talk Abstract:
With the recent introduction of digital TV and the widespread success
of video sharing websites such as youtube, it is clear that the task
of lossily compressing video with good quality has become important.
Similarly, the complex algorithms involved require high amounts of
optimization in order to run fast, another important requirement for
any video codec that aims to be widely used/adopted.
In this talk, I will go over the concepts used in video encoding
(such as motion estimation/compensation, inter- and intra- frame
prediction, quantization and entropy encoding), and then demonstrate
these concepts and algorithms in use in the MPEG-2 and the H.264 video
codecs. In addition, some clever optimization tricks using SIMD/vectorization
will be covered, assuming sufficient time to cover these topics.
The second is our popular Unix 101 on 2010-09-29 at 04:30 PM in MC3003.
Need to use the Unix environment for a course, want to overcome your fears of
the command line, or just curious? Attend the first installment in the CSC's
popular series of Unix tutorails to learn the basics of the shell and how to
navigate the unix environment. By the end of the hands on workshop you will
be able to work efficiently from the command line and power-use circles around
your friends.
Hope to see you there.
If you have any questions about the event e-mail the executive or check http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca.
Hello CSC members!
I have been informed by Justin Wan that over the past couple of years there
has been a decline in CS students applying for scholarships. Some of
the scholarships are specifically for CS students and some are competed
between CS and other programs. He says "it is disappointing that
these scholarships are either unclaimed or offered to students of
other programs because of a lack of qualified CS applicants."
The list of upper year scholarships can be found at
It has all the application and deadline information.
The CSClub Executive
Hello everyone,
This term, in addition to the prof talks and out of town speakers we will
once again also run member talks. If you would like to present a talk,
please send in a proposed title and an abstract (1-2 paragraph
description). The deadline is this Thursday at 5:00pm. There are currently
4 slots scheduled for member talks. If I receive more proposals than that,
the program committee and I will decide which ones to accept, and notify
submitters of the decision by 5:00pm Friday. Talks are typically 1 hour in
length, please keep this in mind when planning your abstracts.
Edgar Bering, Vice President ebering at uwaterloo dot ca
Computer Science Club http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering
Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Hello, the CSC is hosting two talks this week.
The first is entitled 'In the Beginning'
and will be on 2010-09-21 at 04:30 PM in MC4061.
It will be presented by Dr. Prabhakar Ragde,
Cheriton School of Computer Science.
I'll be workshopping some lecture ideas involving representations of
numbers, specification of computation in functional terms, reasoning
about such specifications, and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of
different approaches. No prior background is needed; the talk should be
accessible to anyone attending the University of Waterloo and, I hope,
interesting to both novices and experts.
The second is entitled 'Cooking for Geeks'
and will be on 2010-09-22 at 06:00 PM in MC4045.
It will be presented by Jeff Potter.
The CSC is happy to be hosting Jeff Potter, author of "Cooking for Geeks"
for a presentation on the finer arts of food science. Jeff's book has been
featured on NPR, BBC and his presentations have wowed audiences of hackers
& foodies alike. We're happy to have Jeff joining us for a hands on
But you don't have to take our word for it... here's what Jeff has to say:
Hi! I'm Jeff Potter, author of Cooking for Geeks (O'Reilly Media, 2010),
and I'm doing a "D.I.Y. Book Tour" to talk about my just-released book.
I'll talk about the food science behind what makes things yummy, giving you
a quick primer on how to go into the kitchen and have a fun time turning
out a good meal. Depending upon the space, I’ll also bring along some
equipment or food that we can experiment with, and give you a chance to
play with stuff and pester me with questions.
If you have a copy of the book, bring it! I’ll happily sign it.
Hope to see you there.
If you have any questions about the event e-mail the executive
or check http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca.
Hello Members,
Welcome to the Fall 2010 term. In this message we hope to give you a
preview of what the club will be doing this term, and let you know how you
can help out if you so choose.
-- Membership
Remember to renew your membership! If you can't remember if you have paid
dues for this term just ask. Note that you can pay for several terms in
-- Election Results
Our election for Fall 2010 was last Tuesday, the following were
President: Jacob Parker
Vice President: Edgar Bering
Treasurer: Rebecca Putinski
Secretary: Kyle Spaans
Systems Administrator: Jeremy Roman
Office Manager: Sayed Khader
Librarian: Matthew McPherrin
-- Talks
Each term we run a bunch of talks. This term we're planning to have a
seminar every Tuesday at 4:30, starting next week. The seminar will have a
mix of local professors, members, and out of town speakers presenting. If
you have suggestions for speakers to invite, e-mail the program committee
(progcom(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca). If you would like to give a talk, the Vice
President will be sending out instructions on what to do in the next few
-- Unix Tutorials
New to Unix? Need a hand in figuring out what to do? We will once again be
running our popular Unix tutorials. Experienced with Unix and want to help
teach? We can always use more tutors, e-mail progcom(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca to
find out how to help.
-- Trips, Socials, Code Parties, etc.
Last winter we promised a "CSC Invades U of T" or similar trip, but plans
fizzled. We're going to try again. As you may or may not be aware, TRON:
Legacy comes out this December. If there is enough interest we will look
into going to a showing as a club, possibly getting discount tickets. We're
also planning a code party or two, and there's a possibility there will be
mini-contests at them. Stay tuned.
-- And More!
This is quite an ambitious program. If you would like to help run events
or have an idea for an event you'd like to run with the help of the club,
contact the Vice President (veep(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca) and ask about helping
out with the program committee, who run the events.
In addition to events, the club maintains an office, and we'll be looking
for good office staff once again. Stay tuned for information on how to
become an office staffer. Office staff keep the office functioning and
clean, as well as check out library books and sign up members and are
otherwise helpful to people coming by.
If systems administration is more your bent, contact the Systems
Administrator (sysadmin(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca) for information on how to join
the systems committee, who administer the club's computing environment.
-- Fall 2010 Executive