Hello everyone,
Here are the results from this term's elections:
President: wyscheung (Wilson Cheung)
Vice-President: tghume (Tristan Hume)
Treasurer: jxpryde (Jordan Pryde)
Secretary: aafata (Amir Fata)
Additionally, the following positions were appointed:
Systems Administrator: ztseguin (Zachary Seguin)
Office Manager: fbauckho (Felix Bauckholt)
Librarian: csfmurph (Connor Murphy)
Imapd: ischtche (Ilia Chtcherbakov)
We also amended our constitution to revise our Code of Conduct. The updated
Code of Conduct can be found at https://csclub.uwaterloo.
Bryan Coutts
Chief Returning Officer
The nominations for this term's election have closed. The nominees are:
- matedesc
- wyschean
Vice President:
- tghume
- wyschean
- jj2baile
- jxpryde
- tghume
- aafata
- tghume
The election will happen tomorrow, Thursday January 12, at 6PM in MC Comfy.
Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to
MathSoc social members. We use approval voting; for each position, you may
vote for any subset of the candidates. If you wish to vote but will not be
attending the election, you may send an absentee ballot indicating which
candidate(s) you wish to vote for, for each position. This ballot must be
sent to cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca from your @uwaterloo.ca or @
csclub.uwaterloo.ca email address. A full description of the roles and the
election procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at
After the election, we will consider proposed changes to our constitution,
specifically our Code of Conduct. The proposed changes from our old Code of
Conduct can be found at https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~p
Chief Returning Officer
More greetings programs,
The Election is being held next Thursday January *12*, not January 5 as the
last email said.
In addition, we have a fancy HTML diff detailing the proposed changes to
the Code of Conduct, which can be viewed at
Chief Returning Officer
Greetings Programs,
The CSC will be holding its termly election next Thursday, January 5th, at
6PM in MC Comfy. We will be electing a President, Vice President,
Treasurer, and Secretary, and appointing a Systems Administrator (to be
ratified at the election), Office Manager, and Librarian.
If you would like to nominate someone (for one of the 4 elected positions),
you may either write their name on the whiteboard in the CSC office, or
send an email to cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca (from either your @uwaterloo.ca or
@csclub.uwaterloo.ca email) with the userid of the member you would like to
nominate, and the position(s) you want to nominate them for. Note that only
mathsoc social members (including all undergraduate math students) are
eligible. Nominations will close at 6PM on Wednesday (Jan 11).
Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to
MathSoc social members. A full description of the roles and the election
procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at
In addition, at the election we will be considering changes to the Code of
Conduct. The gist of the changes we will be considering is:
- Have decisions made by committee, not by one person
- Keep the faculty advisor in the loop, and give them a veto
- Clarify this doesn't override laws or uni policy
- List relevant university policies
- Define the office, IRC, and events as specific CSC spaces
- Say that new members should sign the CoC
- Make exceptions in confidentiality section for the faculty advisor and
police services
Any questions regarding the election can be sent to cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca.
Bryan Coutts
Chief Returning Officer