Greetings, members!
Welcome and welcome back, and happy new year! We have many exciting events
planned for this term; here are some of the upcoming ones, so mark up your fresh
calendars (unless you prefer to preserve their beautiful, clean, glossy, white
~Gabriella Coleman, "Weapons of the Geek": Monday, Jan. 28, 4:30pm, DC 1302 An
anthropologist from McGill, Gabriella Coleman researches, writes, and teaches on
hackers and digital activism. Her talk is part of the CrySP Speaker Series on
privacy. Here is the abstract: "Drawing on fieldwork among Free and Open Source
software hackers and the Anonymous protest movement, I will discuss some
attributes of hacker and geek activism that set their actions apart from other
modalities of dissent and contextualize their actions in light of broader
historical trends concerning censorship, intellectual property, privacy, and
~Code Party 0: Friday, Feb. 1, 7:00pm, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) Our first code
party of the term is next Friday. There will be soda, chips, cookies, and
(probably not many) other delectable delicacies to pleasure your palates. There
will also be music and free Internet ((both) in limited supply). Stop by, relax,
and work on that coding project you've been putting off since Christmas.
Attendance is not limited to members!
~Scheduled downtime: Sunday, Feb. 3, 12:00pm until Monday, Feb. 4, 12:00pm CSC
systems will be taken offline to allow us to switch homedirectory hosting to our
new Netapp storage device. All CSC systems, homedirectories and hosted websites
will be unavailable for the duration of our maintenance window. Make sure to
save your work, and plan ahead to use a personal computer or a different machine
during that time.
Happy coding,
Matt O.
CSC Secretary, Winter 2013
Greetings programs,
Winter 2013 nominations closed earlier today. Elections are tomorrow,
Wednesday Jan 16, at 4:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge. Come by and take
part in selecting this term's executive. Librarian and Sysadmin will
be selected immediately afterward as well.
Nominees are as follows.
a2brenna ( Anthony Brennan )
jdonland ( Jesse Onland )
m4burns ( Marc Burns )
mimcpher ( Matthew McPherrin )
qxi ( Qifan Xi )
wlritchi ( William Ritchie )
b2coutts ( Bryan Coutts )
m4burns ( Marc Burns )
mimcpher ( Matthew McPherrin )
sharvey ( Sarah Harvey )
wlritchi ( William Ritchie )
b2coutts ( Bryan Coutts )
jsmumfor ( Jonathan Mumford )
m4burns ( Marc Burns )
wlritchi ( William Ritchie )
b2coutts ( Bryan Coutts )
h292zhan ( Heming Zhang )
jsmumfor ( Jonathan Mumford )
m4burns ( Marc Burns )
mgolechn ( Mateusz Olechnowicz )
mimcpher ( Matthew McPherrin )
wlritchi ( William Ritchie )
If you are unable to attend during the election event, votes my also
be e-mailed to cro(a), listing preference.
With warm regards,
Calum T. Dalek
Chairbeing Extraordinaire
Greetings members!
The election period for Winter 2013 Computer Science Club executive has begun!
Come down to the MC Comfy Lounge on Wednesday January 16, 2012 at
4:00PM, where elections will be held for this term's President,
Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Sysadmin, Librarian and
Office Manager selections will also occur at this time.
Nominations will run until Tuesday January 15, 2012 at 4:00PM. You
can submit a nomination ( including yourself ) by writing the person's
user id in the nomination chart on the office whiteboard.
Alternatively, you may e-mail nominations to this term's CRO at
With warm regards,
Calum T. Dalek
Chairbeing Extraordinaire