Hello Everyone,
I will be conducting office training on Tuesday June the 6th at 4:00 pm
in the CSClub office (MC 3036). Please attend if you would like to
become office staff. If you cannot make it at the given time, please
contact me directly.
Thank you,
- Uday Barar (ubarar)
Office Manager
Hello everyone,
Fatema Boxwala will be holding a Unix 102 talk at MC 3003 from 6pm - 8pm on June 1, 2017.
Finished the bash unit in CS246 and still don't see what's great about Unix? Want to gain some more in-depth knowledge, or some less well-known tips and tricks for using the command line? Unix 102 is the event for you! Fatema is "kind of successful" and "knows things about Unix" and you can be too! Topics covered will be: users, groups and permissions, ez string manipulation, additional skills, tips and tricks.
Bring a computer with Minecraft installed if you have one.
Bo Mo
Hello everyone,
Your Spring 2017 executive team has been selected. All positions were
President: Felix Bauckholt (fbauckho)
Vice-President: Zichuan Wei (z34wei)
Treasurer: Laura Song (lhsong)
Secretary: Bo Mo (bzmo)
Zachary Seguin (ztseguin) was appointed and ratified as the Systems
Additionally, the following people were appointed:
Office Manager: Uday Barar (ubarar)
Librarian: Patrick Melanson (pj2melan)
Imapd: Uday Barar (ubarar)
Thank you to everyone who participated in the election process.
Zachary Seguin
Chief Returning Officer
Hello everyone,
The nomination period for this term's elections has closed.
The nominees for elected positions are:
- fbauckho
- hsivasub
- jj2baile
- jmgagnie
- fbauckho
- jj2baile
- s455wang
- z34wei
- hsivasub
- lhsong
(+1 unknown username starting with "aksh")
- bzmo
- z34wei
(+1 unknown username starting with "aksh")
The following people have expressed interest in the appointed positions:
Systems Administrator:
- ztseguin
Office Manager:
- fbauckho
- m3koo
- ubarar
- fbauckho
- ymusleh
IMAPD (Fridge Regent):
- hsivasub
- ischtche
- ubarar
Nominations for elected positions can be declined at any time prior to the
vote. You may express your interest for appointed positions at the elections.
The elections will take place on Wednesday, May 17th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy
Lounge (MC 3001). If you have not renewed your membership, you may do so at the
elections. Voting is restricted to current club members who are Social Members
of the Mathematics Society. Voting will use the approval voting system. This
means that you can vote for as many candidates as you want for any position. At
the meeting, votes will be conducted in a heads-down, hands-up fashion.
Absentee votes can be emailed to cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca until 30 minutes
before the elections (5:30pm).
For more information on the election procedures, please see
I hope to see you at our elections tomorrow.
Zachary Seguin
Chief Returning Officer
Computer Science Club | University of Waterloo
Hello everyone,
The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2017 term on
Wednesday, May 17th at 6:00pm in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001).
The following positions will be elected: President, Vice-President, Treasurer
and Secretary. The following positions will be appointed: Systems Administrator
(to be ratified at the meeting), Office Manager and Librarian.
If you would like to run or nominate someone for any of the elected positions,
you can put your/their name on the whiteboard in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037)
or by sending an email to the Chief Returning Officer (Zachary) at
cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca. Please note that executive positions are restricted to
MathSoc social members. A list of current nominations will be available on the
whiteboard in the office and at https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/elections.
Nominations will close at 6:00pm on Tuesday, May 16th (24 hours prior to
the start of elections).
Voting will be done in a heads-down, hands-up manner and is restricted to
MathSoc social members. A full description of the roles and the election
procedure are listed in our Constitution, available at
Any questions related to the election can be directed to
Zachary Seguin
Chief Returning Officer
Computer Science Club | University of Waterloo