Fall 2012 office training is scheduled for this Monday, October 29 at 4:00
pm in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037). If you are interested in helping out
around the office or getting more involved with the club, we encourage you
to come out and become a member of our office staff! The more staff we
have, the longer we can keep the office open.
Hello members,
I hope your midterms aren't inflicting too much suffering upon ye. You
can look forward to a bit of a break with our following two events for
the next couple weeks:
Vitalik Buterin. Thursday, Oct. 18, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, MC 2034
Interested in learning more about Bitcoin, the independent digital
cryptographic cash? Then this is the talk for you!
In his talk, Vitalik will cover the cryptographic and game-theory
principles behind the currency, including how the issues of
double-spending, the "51% attack," and "mining" are addressed, the
game-theory incentives to use Bitcoins honestly, and other issues
being faced today in practice, such as implementation, attacks, and
future scalability.
Refreshments will be provided.
CODE PARTY 2: Friday, Oct. 26, 7:00 PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001)
The CSC will be holding our second code party of the term. We'll be
hosting a few tutorials on topics including robots, Scala, git, and
Haskell. Come out, bring your friends and your laptop, and soak up the
LCD glow! As always, food and drinks will be available for your
hacking pleasure.
Good luck with your assignments and midterms, and hope to see you out
at our events. If you're interested in giving a member talk like
Vitalik's, or if you'd like to help out with some of our events, send
us an email at progcom(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca.
Elana Hashman
Computer Science Club
University of Waterloo