Greetings Programs,
For our new members, welcome to the Computer Science Club! We will be
hosting our first event this Thursday (Oct. 6) at 6PM, in MC 4021. UW
alumna and CSC member Elana Hashman will be giving a talk on using
functional programming languages (like Racket!) in industry, and how some
concepts from the more common object-oriented paradigm are translated to
the functional paradigm. Below is the abstract:
I transitioned from writing software in imperative, object-oriented (OO)
programming languages to doing functional programming (FP) full-time, and
you can do it, too! In this talk, I'll make a case for using FP for
real-world development, cover some cases where common FP language features
substitute for design patterns and OOP structure, and provide some examples
of translating traditional OO design patterns into functional code.
In addition, our Office Manager, James Sinn, will be holding an office
training session this Wednesday (Oct. 5) at 5PM in the CSC office. Those
who are interested in becoming office staff should come to be trained.
Bryan Coutts
CSC Vice President