Hello programs,
Due to the closure of campus this term, the Computer Science Club will
be holding elections for Spring 2020 virtually. The president,
vice-president, treasurer and assistant
vice-president (formerly secretary) will be elected, the sysadmin will
be ratified. The librarian and office manager will not be appointed,
since the office will be closed for the Spring term.
If you'd like to run for any of these positions, please email
cro(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca. Nominations will close on Wednesday, May 20
2020 at midnight EDT.
Additionally, due to campus closure, MathSoc has decided not collect
fees for the Spring 2020 term. Due to this:
* If have already paid for Spring 2020 membership, your membership has
been extended by one term.
* If your membership is expired for the Spring 2020 term, you can email
exec(a)csclub.uwaterloo.ca to have your membership renewed for the term at
no cost.
Stacy Gaikovaia
CRO, Computer Science Club