My name is Richard Kennedy. I am a M.Sc. Geography candidate at The
University of Ottawa. I am working on a thesis project that would allow a
professional forester to carry out electronic field data collection using
a Windows Mobile 6.5 OS smartphone. I am looking to hire a software
developer to do some of the programming work. It is not a great amount of
work and would be suitable for a upper year computer science student. We
would want in this in approximately 4-6 weeks from the time of
If you know of or can recommend anyone that may be potentially interested,
please feel free to forward my contact information where they can reach me
for more details.
Many thanks in advance for sharing this with interested candidates. I've
attached a short document showing the envisaged app we require.
Richard R. Kennedy
M.Sc. Geography Masters Candidate
Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa
613-562-5725 ext 2293