Piracy, Privacy and the Fight for Online Freedom (WPIRG Cinema Politica Film Series)

You're invited to WPIRG's Cinema Politica Summer 2014 Film Series! This summer's theme is Piracy, Privacy and the Fight for Online Freedom. All films are free and screened at the Princess Cinemas at 46 King St. North, Waterloo. Next screenings: TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard Wednesday, June 25, 7pm FILM SYNOPSIS: It’s the day before the trial starts. Fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old Volvo. Along with his Pirate Bay co-founders, he faces $13 million in damage claims to Hollywood in a copyright infringement case. Fredrik is on his way to install a new computer in the secret server hall. This is where the world’s largest file sharing site is hidden. When the hacker prodigy Gottfrid, the internet activist Peter and the network nerd Fredrik are found guilty, they are confronted with the reality of life offline – away from keyboard. But deep down in dark data centres, clandestine computers quietly continue to duplicate files. Official website: http://watch.tpbafk.tv/ Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCAGb7oSwDs TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY Wednesday, July 30, 7pm No one really reads the terms and conditions connected to every website they visit, phone call they make or app they download. After watching this provocative exploration of what actually lies between the lines of those tiny-font agreements, however, you may just hurl your computer out the window and take to a cave. With fascinating examples, comical gags and terrifying facts, filmmaker Cullen Hoback investigates what governments and corporations are doing with your “personal” information. Regardless of privacy settings, data is being collected and behaviour is being monitored—as you read this, in fact—leaving the future of civil liberties uncertain. But are we really living in such a dystopian conspiratorial world? From whistle blowers and investigative journalists to zombie fan clubs and Egyptian dissidents, this disquieting exposé demonstrates how every one of us has incrementally opted into a real-time surveillance state, click by click. Film website: http://tacma.net/ <http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftacma.net%2F&h=PAQGZSrlA&enc=AZMaV9R-dCwn33wKG5T_QSeEhliWticDJsn9w6g0nbPKKLLLUD1a4Ldfrs8wdN1Nvqw&s=1> Trailer: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/tacma/75993946 -- Alex Diceanu Outreach and Resource Centre Coordinator Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) 519 888 4882 | 10-4pm M-F | SLC 3104
participants (1)
Alex Diceanu