Hello, We’re working on an upcoming app initially aimed towards university towns; more info about the app will come if you are chosen to be part of the team. We realize this is a bit vague, but we hope to shed more light on the app after a face-to-face meet. Currently we’re in the process of looking for a team to assist us in successfully creating and launching the app. We would appreciate it if you were to share this opportunity with your club. If anyone is interested in learning more about the application they can contact us at ratedr.gen@gmail.com. There will be benefits for those selected to work with the team and the work load does not require a huge time commitment. Mainly we’re looking for a few coders to create a large database; also we’re looking to recruit someone for our graphics team. We appreciate your help and look forward to hearing back from you. . Regards, Rated R Team
participants (1)
Rated R