Dear CS Students, Are you interested in being one of our awesome beta testers? We are launching our free iPhone app in under 3 weeks from today and would love your feedback. We would greatly appreciate you helping us out by being a beta tester and letting us know your thoughts about our iPhone app - both the good and the bad. If you would like to help please send us an email to *joinrendezvous@gmail.com <joinrendezvous@gmail.com>* or to *m.h.brunet@gmail.com <m.h.brunet@gmail.com>* Thanks so much for helping! Looking forward to your thoughts - Mike Rendezvous Mobile Inc. (www.joinrendezvous.com) __________________________ *MICHAEL H. BRUNET * | 5575 NORTH SERVICE ROAD, BURLINGTON, ON L7L 6M1 *T* +1 905 599 4961 | *C* +1 905 599 4961 | CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH ME ON LINKEDIN <http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbrunet> "The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." ~Wallace Wattles