Hello, I'm hoping you can please forward the information below, as well as the poster attached to all Computer Science Club members. Please let me know if you have any questions - thanks! *Event:* Tech Start-Up Recruiting & Information Event *Date:* Thursday, September 19, 2013 *Time:* 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. *Location:* Chainsaw Saloon (28 King St. N, Waterloo) *Description:* Come join us on Thursday, September 19 at the Chainsaw Saloon for our winter term Tech Start-Up Recruiting and Information Event! This is a *FREE* event for computer science students. Working for a startup gives you the opportunity to manage your *own* tasks, watch *your* deliverables hit the market and be in an *awesome* environment! Many of the startups attending have positions to fill and are looking for students like *YOU* to join their team, so come to Chainsaw and engage in conversation to learn more about the companies and what they have to offer. Not only is this a great way for you to learn more about working for a startup by talking to founders and staff, but you can also enjoy the *FREE* poutine buffet and *FREE* drinks. And of course, there will be *nerf gun giveaways* and Vidyard will be presenting the popular live coding challenge - where the *winner* will be offered an *internship/co-op* job on the *SPOT!* You don't need to be 19 to come, but you *DO* need to bring your ID and a few resumes. *NO ID and NO Resume = NO Entrance* Please be sure to register at the website below and let us know you're coming! *To register and to see who will be attending visit:* http://guestli.st/178095 Hope you're as excited as we are - can't wait to meet you! Erin Erin Klassen Human Resources Manager | Vidyard <http://www.vidyard.com/> erin@vidyard.com We're hiring! <http://vidyard.mytribehr.com/careers>