Hi all, On behalf of Allison Roarty, who is currently out on vacation, I wanted to send you the reminder email below for our Google Tech Talk taking place on campus on 1/12/12 at 7pm per Allison's request. Please remind your students/peers to attend if they can. Happy holidays, Stephanie ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Stephanie Chan <stchan@google.com> Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:33 PM Subject: Reminder: Google Tech Talk - Jan 12th @ 7pm To: *Hello!* * * *Here's a reminder that Google is coming to campus! Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. It’s an enormous goal to accomplish and we need great people like you to help us achieve it! Interested? If so, we'd love to see you at our Tech Talk and answer your questions about our work and how to apply for full-time and internship positions with Google: Google Tech Talk When: Thursday, January 12th @ 7pm - 9pm Where: South Campus Hall, Festival Room Come hear from software engineers at Google about the exciting and innovative work happening at Google. We will also have a recruiter on hand to answer your questions about applying to Google for either full-time or co-op positions. RSVP: Please fill out this RSVP form<https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHZnLWFBYWRzS0lvVU9PdmFFamdaM3c6MA>if you plan to attend. RSVPing helps us plan for things like ordering food, but everyone is welcome to attend. Either way we hope to see you on campus! * *Summer Co-op Applications: Summer co-op positions for Software Engineering and Associate Product Management will be posted on JobMine in early January. To apply for SWE or APM in either the U.S. or Canada, please submit your application on both JobMine and at google.com/students. When submitting your application on google.com/students, please ensure you do the following: - Submit your resume, transcript, and previous workterm evaluations - Make sure the name and e-mail address you apply with matches exactly the name and e-mail address on your resume Summer Co-op Interviews: Google will be on campus interviewing for summer co-op positions on January 23rd and January 24th. To be considered for these interviews, please ensure you apply by 1/17/2012. * *Stay in Touch: To learn more about Google, visit www.google.com/students/eng <http://www.google.com/students>. You can check out our student YouTube channel <http://www.youtube.com/googlestudents>, see details about full-time <http://www.google.com/students/swe> and internship <http://www.google.com/jobs/students/intern> opportunities, and read about our hiring process<http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/joininggoogle/hiringprocess/index.html> . We hope you'll stay in touch with us by checking out the Google Students blog <http://www.googleforstudents.blogspot.com/>, following us on Twitter (@googlestudents <http://www.twitter.com/googlestudents>), and checking out the student YouTube channel <http://www.youtube.com/googlestudents>. * * * *Happy Holidays!*