Gain experience with linux server programming (linux) with Radio Waterloo. We have some tech but we are looking for who would like to help with our server and other projects. Program a phone app to tune phones into 100.3. Join a seminar/workshops to turn wifi modems and routers into various wave and fm broadcast tools, trancievers etc... Help set up long range wifi links We are here for students and once again available on campus via wifi soundfm.ca 100.3 fm and rogers cable 946 Do you have software or gadgets you'd like to share with the world. SoundFM is here for you I am trying to reconnect us with campus and provide an outlet for clubs at uw. Here serving the University of waterloo campus and our many cultured community to service education, broadcast technology and the arts since atleast 1978. Help us with your genious - if we get these wifi nets up they can serve as much more. We also give references and chances for prizes and giveaways, not to mention our acclaim. Thankyou, Will at Sound FM Radio Waterloo will@soundfm.ca