Hello Waterloo Students! It’s the most wonderful time of year (for us at least)--Google’s coming to campus! I don’t know about you, but we’ve been anxiously waiting to come back to campus and see you again or meet you for the first time. We’ll be on campus for the following events: Tech Lightning Talks What: A panel of Googlers will discuss their paths to Google and their current and former projects. This session is open for Q&A so we encourage you to come prepared with questions. Speakers are Googlers Laura Culp, Oliver Cardoza, Matt Lawrence, and Rob Suderman. When: Monday, Sept. 15th at 8:00pm Where: South Campus Festival Room Please RSVP here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CA-QHcGh5uKLma9P9YUMj-srAK0M3uJ8kv89lLMFys4/viewform> for the Tech Lightning Talks. Ads Data Infrastructure Talk What: A talk for Masters and PhD students based on a research paper <http://research.google.com/pubs/pub41318.html> published in SIGMOD ‘13. Come listen to Googlers Suneet Dhingra, Tianhao Qiu, and Manish Bhatia discuss this topic. When: Monday, Sept. 15th at 11:30am. Where: Davis Centre 1301 Please RSVP here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qdTz-QRdP6gOJol69v9pXxU4C0NOKejRn-ugNtbZ4vQ/viewform> for the Ads Data Infrastructure talk. Google Waterloo + Entrepreneurs Talk What: Come hear Steve Woods, Engineering Director at Google, give a talk on the different projects and teams at the Waterloo office, Google Waterloo’s involvement in the community, and entrepreneurship as a Google engineer. This session is open for Q&A so we encourage you to come prepared with questions. When: Tuesday, Sept. 16th at 7:30pm Where: Davis Centre 1301 Please RSVP here <https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/1gbfwIiTn1ubEbhfeOwViFskBfpdKcbIflfJgE5daw9A/viewform> for the Google Waterloo + Entrepreneurs talk. CSC + Google Tech Talk What: Come listen to Wesley Tarle, Software Engineer at Google, give a talk on “Building a Mobile Platform for Android and iOS.” Wes has been leading development at Google in Kitchener and Mountain View, building stuff for third-party developers on Android and iOS. He's contributed to Google Play services since its inception and continues to produce APIs and SDKs focused on mobile startups. When: Thursday, Sept. 18th at 6:00pm Where: MC 4021 Please RSVP here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qGvAi2Df2wDXUj_zUpp0YdkQsJRW1EznTtuwruxGexo/viewform> for the CSC + Google Tech Talk. As always, we’ll have pizza, great swag, and raffle prizes. RSVPing helps us know how many people to order food for, but everyone is welcome! We are hiring! - For our Software Engineering full-time opportunities, check out g.co/SWEgrad <https://www.google.com/about/careers/search?src=Online/TOPs/NA+Tech+University#!t=jo&jid=3256001> - For our Software Engineering internship opportunities, check out g.co/SWEintern <https://www.google.com/about/careers/search?src=Online/TOPs/NA+Tech+University#!t=jo&jid=59615001&> We are also hosting on-campus interviews for our Software Engineer, University Graduate <http://g.co/SWEgrad> and Intern <http://g.co/SWEintern> role on Sept. 29th, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st, 2014. If you would like to be considered, be sure to apply on Jobmine AND on google.com/careers/students between Saturday Sept 20th and Tuesday, Sept. 23rd Let us know if you have any questions about our events or our hiring process--we hope to see you on campus! Best, Meggie -- Meggie Smith | *G**o**o**g**l**e *University Programs, NYC | meggie@google.com | 212-565-2865 Circle me on Google+ <https://plus.google.com/u/0/110089114171626434158/posts>!