Hi everyone, As you might recall the Google AI Challenge (that we have organized) started February 1st. Well, it is now almost over, and to help you finalize your submissions we're having an ice cream party starting at 7:00pm on Feb 26 (Tomorrow!), and going until a little after the close of submissions (11:59pm) when we will announce winners and hand out prizes. If you haven't started a submission (or forgot) more information about the contest can be found on the website: contest.csclub.ca So come on out, have some icecream, and hack hack hack. -- Edgar Bering, Vice President ebering at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1