Follow up, to see the design that will be on the shirt, as well as colour and sizing, look at https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~exec/w18-shirt-mockups.pdf On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Computer Science Club < csc-general@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
You are receiving this email as you are (or were) a Computer Science Club Member. To stop receiving these emails, go to https://mailman.csclub. uwaterloo.ca/listinfo/csc-general and enter your CSC email address watiamid@csclub.uwaterloo.ca.
As of now we're taking orders for this term's T-shirts. The design is the same as last term (goose at a keyboard, thanks again to Fatema Boxwala for the awesome design!), but this time printed on red T-shirts (as per our poll last term, it was the second-most popular colour choice).
The shirts will be printed on Bella/Canvas 3001c Maroon (for unisex) and 6004 Cardinal Red (for women's). Sizing charts are available in the office.
To order, please come into the office with your $15 and speak to any member of the office staff, who will then be able to take your order. Shirt orders are first come first served, so act fast.
For those out of town, we'll be taking a limited number of orders by Paypal - please email exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca if you wish to do this.
Zoe Laing Office Manager Computer Science Club
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