Hey members, We got some events coming up, have some information so you can attend them and have fun and stuff. Code Party 0 is happening on *Thursday, June 2nd @ 6:30pm in STC 0010. *Come out, code with us, eat some food, do some things. scp (small contemplation period) talks are happening on *Wednesday June 8th. *You can sign up to get a short (15-20 minutes) talk on all kinds of cool CS stuff! Sign up form is here. <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1143deXuv4i7N3q64qD46hJEe45p-UhAdJYkYVZp73Hs/viewform> Hope to see you all come out! :) (We would also like to invite members of the CSC community to join the Fort McMurray Solidarity Vigil on Tuesday May 31st. Details are available here. <https://www.facebook.com/events/100324317055518>) -- Melissa Tedesco Vice President Computer Science Club P.S. If you have a prof you'd love to hear a talk from, please email me and I'll contact them and try to make it happen!