
Computer Science Club 2022

Greetings to all members of the UW Computer Science Club! We hope your spring term is going smoothly, whether you are going through a co-op term or studying on campus . Our goal as a club is to make sure that your spring term is memorable. We aim to run events and encourage students to connect and socialize, increase technical and academic interest with workshops and talks, and provide a safe academic learning and growth environment.


Upcoming Events This Week

Git Internals Talk

πŸš€ Have you heard of Git or used it in your past coop terms?

πŸ–₯️ Most software development these days is done using git. Git can seem very complex to use (and often is!). However, it turns out the core architecture behind git is quite simple and elegant.

πŸ€” We will explore how git works under the hood to understand this architecture, and demystify what commonly used git commands actually do. Afterwards, we will dive deeper into the implications of this architecture, both positive and negative, as well as how this knowledge can be useful day to day. We will end it off by answering the question: β€œIs git the first blockchain?” (spoiler: sort of!)
There are snacks / drinks served at the event!

πŸ—“ Event Date: July 25th, at MC 5479 from 6-7 PM

πŸ‘‰Sign up is not required for this event!

F'22 Applications are OPEN

πŸ“£CS Club’s Internal Committee is hiring for Fall 2022! πŸ“£

Are you interested in organizing program-wide events, reaching out to industry professionals, or being a member of an impactful community? Are you passionate about making a difference in the UW CS and surrounding communities?

Apply for a role on the CS Club’s Internal Committee for fall 2022! We are looking for people like you to join our Programme Committee and/or Systems Committee! πŸ™Œ

πŸ‘€Role descriptions can be found in the link in our bio!

⏱️The form with close on July 30th, so apply ASAP! We will reach out through email this date for interview slots/questions.

πŸ‘‰Apply from link link https://forms.gle/8cM5R3va7z8n56U4A  Alternatively, you can email us at exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca from your UW email with an introduction of yourself, which positions you are interested in and any questions you might have!

Thank you

Thank you for participating in our events this term, and we will see you again next term!

Good luck on your exams if you have any, and hope you enjoy the rest of the summer!


Past events

Prof Talk with Anton Mosunov

πŸ“£ Are you interested in learning more about parallel computation? CSC hosted a Prof Talk with the amazing Professor Anton Mosunov to talk about his awe-inspiring research. The recording of the talk is on our Youtube channel! πŸ€© Check it out:


πŸ˜ƒ He delivered a captivating talk about parallel computation. If you don’t yet know what that is yet or want to learn more about it, make sure to watch the video!


πŸ“Œ A special note from Anton, β€œAs computational number theorists, we aim to provide computational (as opposed to theoretical) evidence in support of these big conjectures, and supply mathematical community with extensive data on various invariants associated with IQFs. In this presentation I will tell you how we intend to tabulate class groups of IQFs with |d| <= 2^41 on a supercomputer, aiming to extend our previous calculation done to 2^40. ”

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Subscribe to our Computer Science Club Calendar for upcoming events https://bit.ly/3wwrYJb 

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