Winter 2019 Elections

Hello CSC programs! It's that time of the term - election time! That time of the term where you get to congregate, see faces old and new, nom on tasty timbits and execute your constitutional rights to vote in new exec. The CSC elections will be held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm in the MC Comfy Lounge. We will be electing a President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, and a Treasurer. The elected exec will appoint a System Administrator, Office Manager, Librarian, and IMAPd. You must be a MathSoc social member (e.g., a math faculty undergrad, or other student who has paid MathSoc dues) to run for an elected position or System Administrator, and to vote. If you'd like to run or nominate someone for a position, please put a piece of paper with their name and user id in the nominations box in the CSC or email that information to The nomination period will end one week from now, on Tuesday January 15th at 6pm. A full description of the positions and procedures are in the CSC constitution. We need at least 15 members to start the meeting. There will be food. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at - melted, cro
participants (1)
Computer Science Club