Call for Alt-Tab Talks on Wed. March 28

Greetings programs, CSC will be hosting Alt-Tab, the Computer Science version of Short Attention Span Math Seminars (SASMS) hosted by that math club down the hall. It will be a night full of friendly talks on Wednesday, March 28, 6:00 PM until late. We need talks! Contact me,, with your tentative talk title and a short abstract if you would like to give a talk. Slides are not required. Please aim for a 10-15 minute talk. I'll send an email with the list of talks closer to the date of the event. Here are some topics that our members have presented before. The titles make them seem more technical than they actually were. - Overview of SAT solvers - Communication complexity - Register allocation in compilers as graph colouring - Web application security - PXE booting - UI and UX - Train signalling and sensing - Typed Racket - Modern GPU architecture - How to unsubscribe from CSC emails Again, please contact if you would like to participate. Thanks, Charlie Wang Vice President, Computer Science Club
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Computer Science Club