Talk: Nomair Naeem on Dataflow Analysis on Tuesday July 6th, MC2054

Tell your friends! Again the talk is Tuesday July 6th, 4:30pm in MC2054. Nomair A. Naeem - Dataflow Analysis === Abstract After going through an introduction to Lattice Theory and a formal treatment to Dataflow Analysis Frameworks, we will take an in-depth view of the Interprocedural Finite Distributive Subset (IFDS) Algorithm which implements a fully context-sensitive, inter-procedural static dataflow analysis. Then, using a Variable Type Analysis as an example, I will outline recent extensions that we have made to open up the analysis to a larger variety of static analysis problems and making it more efficient. The talk is self-contained and no prior knowledge of program analysis is necessary. -- Brennan Taylor b4taylor at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
participants (1)
Computer Science Club