Volunteer Opportunities / C++ Night 0x03 and PGP Seminar / Code Party! / Reminders

Hello, CSCers! Lots of exciting news for you this week... VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES: Math Open House (Nov. 2) and ONCWIC (Nov. 7-8) --- The CSC has received a couple of calls for volunteers. The Math Faculty Open House requires volunteers for the following: set up, welcoming visitors, giving directions, walking visitors to various buildings, ushers for M3-1006, tour guides for DC, MC, QNC, and M3 (I quote: "NEED MANY, PLEASE SIGN UP"), booth Q&A to answer visitors' questions about programs, and clean up. If interested, please email Gayle Goodfellow at ggoodfel@uwaterloo.ca. You will need to attend an information session tomorrow on Tuesday, October 29, in MC 5136B, from 4:30-5:00. Tour guides also need to attend a training session on Thursday, October 31 from 4:45-5:45 in MC 5136. I've heard that Hallowe'en treats will be provided! The Ontario Celebration for Women in Computing is being held at the University of Waterloo this year. All are welcome to volunteer for the conference---if you are interested, email Prof. Kate Larson at klarson@uwaterloo.ca. C++ GOINGNATIVE LECTURE 0x03 (FREE FOOD!): Thurs. Oct. 31, 6:30 PM, PHY 150 --- A reminder of this week's C++ talk. Scott Meyers will be speaking about the new C++ specifications in "An Effective C++11/14 Sampler." I am ordering *real* food (read: not pizza) this week. Also, Halloween candy :D SECURITY & PRIVACY SEMINAR 04, Hands-on Seminar on Public Key Crypto: Tues. Nov. 5, 6:00PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) --- Bring your laptops to this hybrid seminar/key-signing party where Nick Guenther and Murphy Berzish will introduce you to public-private key crypto. We will be featuring a GSIntroducer from www.GSWoT.org, so if you are interested in obtaining an elevated level of trust, bring government-issued photo-ID. There will also be balloons and cake. We swear. HACKATHON-CODE PARTY!!: Tentatively Nov. 22 --- Please yell at me (read: exec) if you can't attend and want to. Otherwise I'm going forward with this date. There will be *more* real food (possibly curry and stuff) as well as the usual junk food and caffeine. TORONTO ERLANG FACTORY LITE CONFERENCE SIGNUPS: Nov. 23 --- The CSC has been invited to attend this Erlang conference in Toronto. A reminder to sign up if you are interested in attending: http://goo.gl/8XOELB If we can confirm enough attendees, we will be able to provide transportation. You will be responsible for your conference fee. For more information on the conference, you can visit its website at: https://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/Toronto2013 CSC SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST --- Clarification: pithy sayings welcome! (We've already done "You had me at Hello World" FWIW.) Send them in for Nov. 13. As always, you can email questions to exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca
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Computer Science Club