Call for Alt+Tab talks

Hi Everyone, The CS Club will be running an "Alt+Tab" short talks event at 6pm on Thursday November 9th. Members will be giving short 10-15 minute talks on interesting programming-related topics. If you'd like to give a talk (please do, we have lots of slots!) contact me by emailing with your name and a preliminary talk title (you can change it later if you want). In the past people have talked about the things they learned or built in their previous co-op term, done short introductions to new programming languages, and taught others about something interesting they learned. Examples of past talk titles include "Stepping into math: building a step-by-step algebra solver”, "Typed Racket", "Online database migrations at scale” and “How your text editor does syntax highlighting”. There's lots of things you can talk about and it's a good environment to give your first talk, so go ahead and sign up! - Tristan Hume Treasurer & Programs Committee Computer Science Club
participants (1)
Computer Science Club