Fwd: Alt-Tab and Movie Night with WiCS

________________________________ From: Tammy Khalaf <tekhalaf@edu.uwaterloo.ca> Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 11:02 PM To: exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca Subject: Alt-Tab and Movie Night with WiCS Hi all, We have two events being co-hosted with WiCS that are coming up soon! The first is Movie Night, which will be happening on Thursday, November 7th in MC Comfy, from 7-10pm. You can vote for the movie you'd like to see in the poll on the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/390960055120946/permalink/391593835057568/ There'll be drink and refreshments provided! The secnd is Alt-Tab, a lightning tech talk series presented by students that'll be happening on Thursday, November 21rst! Alt-Tab consists of 15 minute talks about anything related to tech. They can be about cool new features, a fun project you made or really anything that you are excited about. If you're passionate about a technical topic, and interested in public speaking, please email exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca by Monday, November 11th at 23:59 ​Feel free to stop by WiCS or CSC if you need help with planning out your presentation! We hope to see you all there! Tamara Khalaf AVP, Fall 2019
participants (1)
Computer Science Club