Hello everyone, We hope that you are surviving midterm/cold and flu season! If you'd like a break from studying, here are three events happening this week: 1. *In Pursuit of the Travelling Salesman* [*TONIGHT*, 5:00PM, MC 4041] For those of you unfamiliar with TSP, it is the problem where you are given a number of cities with the cost of travel between each pair of them, and you have to find the cheapest way to visit all of the cities and return to your starting point. It sounds simple, but it is very difficult to solve. This problem has many interesting applications from genome sequencing to arranging music on iPods. Professor Bill Cook is one of the leading experts on TSP, and he will be discussing the history, applications, and computation of this fascinating problem during this talk. 2. *UNIX 101* [Friday, 5:00PM, MC 3003] In this tutorial, we will be teaching you how to use the shell, why we use it, some simple commands, and more. If you are already a whiz, why not come out and help out fellow members? 3. *Code Party 0* [Friday, 6:00PM, MC Comfy] Code Party immediately follows UNIX 101, and CSC will be taking over the MC Comfy to work on side projects, discuss cool topics in computer science, and enjoy some free dinner! If you would like to work on a side project but don't have any ideas, we'll have some ideas you can tackle. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me. Cheers, Jinny Kim President, Computer Science Club <http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/> University of Waterloo <https://uwaterloo.ca/>
participants (1)
Computer Science Club