Reminders / Code Party 0 / Call For Member Talks!

Hello, membership! Welcome back. A few quick reminders for members. - Don't forget to renew your membership! If you come to the office to renew for two or more terms (which is only $4!), you will receive a FREE POP! That's right, one can of pop, entirely gratis. - We have lots of free t-shirts in the office. When you come by to renew your membership or hang out in the office, pick one up! We also have CSC t-shirts for sale: $10 mens'/$11 womens'. - If you're interested in industry opportunities, don't forget to subscribe to our new csc-industry mailing list. For job postings, industry events, and more, you may want to sign up. Visit to subscribe. CODE PARTY 0 --- Come out to our first code party of the term next Friday, Jan. 27 in the CnD lounge (MC 3002) from 6:30 pm onwards. Hack on your open source projects, your personal codebases, your homework! We'll be up late writing code, so join us now and share the software, caffeine, and munchies. Bring your laptop and bring your friends. Hope to see you there. CALL FOR MEMBER TALKS --- The CSC wants YOU to give a talk. Maybe you're really passionate about a certain topic, or maybe you've worked on a project you really want to share. Maybe you just want to practice your public speaking on a technical topic. Our members want to hear it! Please send an abstract of your talk, or a proposal for a talk topic if you're unsure, and dates that are convenient for your talk to our program committee: Wishing you a most successful Winter 2012, -- Elana Hashman Vice-President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo
participants (1)
Computer Science Club