This Week: Perl Talks, CSC goes to Grad Ball, Watson on Jeopardy

Hello everyone, There are several things happening in the CSC this week. --- Perl Talks --- First of all, we will be holding Perl Talks with the KW Perl Mongers. The talks will be on Thursday, Feb 17, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in MC2017. Several short talk will be presented. These talks are intended for programmers who are curious about the Swiss Army Chainsaw of languages, Perl. Tyler Slijboom will present: * Prototyping in Perl, * Perl Default Variables, * HOWTO on OO Programming, and * HOWTO on Installing and Using Modules from CPAN Daniel Allen will present: * Coping with Other Peoples' Code Justin Wheeler will present: * Moose: a Modern Perl Framework Light refreshments will be provided, or possibly heavy refreshments, courtesy of the Perl Mongers. --- CSC Goes to Grad Ball --- The fine folks at the Mathematics Graduation Committee have saved us a table at the Grad Ball. The ball will be on March 5th at St. George's Hall. MGC adds this: Not graduating? Doesn't matter --- come party with your friends who are. Many prizes are up for grabs, including gift certificates. For more information go to: If you are interested in attending please contact me ( We have 8 places, tickets are $50 per person (discount off of the single price), and you must confirm with me by this Friday. --- Watson on Jeopardy --- IBM's Watson will be appearing on the quiz-show Jeopardy this week, competing against the great human champions. This could be as landmark as Kasparov v. Deep Blue in terms of demonstrating the state of the art in machine learning and natural language processing, if possible we will organize a screening of the match. For more information go to: -- Edgar Bering, President ebering at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
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Computer Science Club