Election Results and Eth1: Jane Street Contest

Hi all, We have an exec team and news of our first event of the term. Sign up by Monday. Here are your new executives for the Winter 2016 term. Your president is Patrick Melanson, pj2melan. Your vice-president is Patrick Melanson, pj2melan. Unofficially, Theo Belaire will be filling in for the duties of vice president. Your treasurer is Luqman Aden, laden. Your secretary is Naomi Koo, m3koo. You can contact the exec at exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. Additionally, the sysadmin is Zachary Seguin (ztseguin), the office manager is Reila Zheng (wy2zheng), and the librarian is Felix Bauckholt (fbauckho). Now that we have our exec, here's some news about the first event: Our first event of the term is happening next weekend, on the *23rd*. We have Jane Street coming in to run their financial trader bot contest. *Sign up* <https://docs.google.com/a/janestreet.com/forms/d/1I7UukJDH9ZAVWpLl-2vwmvPWzbWBFjj8g973hidn8eE/viewform> on this page: http://eth1-waterloo.janestreet.com/ Sign up by *Monday* January 18th, since there is limited space in the room. Absolutely no special math, OCaml, or finance knowledge is required; you can use any language you like. The contest is entirely technical in nature and you won't need any visual design skills. The exact details of the hackathon aren't released until the competition begins. The one thing you can do ahead of time to prepare is familiarize yourself with the libraries for writing TCP clients in your programming language of choice. So I'm guessing y'all should read Racket Reference: TCP <https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/tcp.html>.
participants (1)
Computer Science Club