Office Clean-out Dec. 4 / CTRL-D Dec. 12

Hi all! This will be the last email of the term. Good luck with your exams and enjoy the break! OFFICE CLEAN-OUT: TOMORROW, DEC. 4 --- It has been a long time since the office was last cleaned. Cleaning will be a monumental effort, and will be taking place tomorrow, Dec. 4, starting around 11AM. If you have any unclaimed belongings in the office, THEY WILL BE THROWN OUT OR REPOSSESSED. Please *ensure* you have not left any personal belongings in the office, or email if you aren't able to pick them up before tomorrow. Anyone that is interested in helping out with the office cleaning is free to show up. CTRL-D (END OF TERM PARTY): THURSDAY, DEC. 12 --- Our termly "CTRL-D" party has been scheduled for next Thursday, Dec. 12. If you're not sure where it is being held (usual location) and you'd like to attend, a number of people will be departing for the EOT from the CSC office around 6 or 6:30PM. Or you can drop by the office in advance and ask for directions. Godspeed, -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo
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Computer Science Club