General Meeting and Code Party Next Wednesday

Hi all, Quick reminder that we're hosting UNIX 101, our linux/command-line tutorial in MC 3003 at 6PM today! More details at The Computer Science Club is hosting two back-to-back events next week. On Wednesday, November 16, 6:30PM in M3-1006 we will have a general meeting followed by our termly Code Party. Members are invited to hang out and code on whatever they want during the party. This is also great opportunity to meet other members and get feedback on projects. There will be food. Our general meeting will be held to vote on an amendment to our constitution. As you may know, all individuals who are participating in club events and business must abide by the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is a part of our Constitution, section 12 <>. This code of conduct spells out what kind of behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable in our club. Although its intentions and goals are important for the future of the club, consultation with police services revealed confidentiality problems with our current Code of Conduct. Details at the bottom.* *The proposed amendment to the constitution is to completely strike out section 12.* By doing this, the code of conduct will no longer have any effect. We are currently researching ways on fixing our Code of Conduct, but it is untenable in its current form. In any case, the Computer Science Club and its members must still abide by University policies, including MathSoc policies. The intention is to have a revised code of conduct ready in time for the next election. Possible revisions include striking out the section on confidentiality or rewriting it. We welcome any feedback on amendments to the Code of Conduct, whether to fix this issue or to point out others. Happy coding and conducting, Charlie Wang President, Computer Science Club University of Waterloo * The concern is that in some cases, the Computer Science Club and its officers will be unable to provide confidentiality due to existing university policy or other laws and regulations, especially in cases where police and criminal charges are involved. In instances where our Code of Conduct has wording that contradicts University Policy, those other policies always take precedence over the Code of Conduct. However, the current form can get executive members (namely the "Handling Officer" for complaints) into legal trouble, if the procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct are followed.
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Computer Science Club