Terrible Hack XIV

Hello all, It's time for Terrible Hack XIV! Ever been to a hackathon and had trouble coming with good ideas? At TerribleHack, you can build out all of your stupid ideas while still challenging your engineering skills. TerribleHack is not just a hackathon, it is a state of consciousness. (Also it's a one day meme-a-thon in AHS) If you've never done a hackathon before, this is a great place to start! To register, fill out the form below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdM1okp69bL9GMsdCSNS-hY4d84WPtncvyt... [https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/TQtOqU5VKvj0_o12EtReLurm-2HqrP2Vuisrf6Jr0r4MjyUnYOrIDE84M8_GV7DB7Ic=w1200-h630-p]<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdM1okp69bL9GMsdCSNS-hY4d84WPtncvytE971ELOlG7PWUQ/viewform> Terrible Hack XIV Registration Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdM1okp69bL9GMsdCSNS-hY4d84WPtncvytE971ELOlG7PWUQ/viewform> Glad that you're interested in Terrible Hack! It is on November 9th in AHS 1689. See terriblehack.website for deets. We'll be following up with RSVPs, though this form allows us to guage interest. docs.google.com Additional information can be found on the Facebook event page and website: https://www.facebook.com/events/497895951064964/ http://terriblehack.website/ We hope to see you all there! Cheers, Tamara Khalaf AVP Fall 2019 TerribleHack XIII<http://terriblehack.website/> TerribleHack XIII It's gonna be b i g. We're a stealth mode startup. We can't say what we're up to, but we guarantee that the world will never be the same after we launch. terriblehack.website
participants (1)
Computer Science Club