Upcoming CSC Event: Code Party this Friday, June 3rd.

Greetings dear members, The Computer Science Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term this Friday, on June 3rd. For those who haven't attended one of our code parties before, these events are on Friday nights where everybody is welcome to bring a laptop, hang out, and write some code. There's usually not a lot of structure, but hopefully a lot of fun. The theme for this week's code party is "Personal Projects". Throughout the evening, we'll be inviting everybody to share what they're working on, and we encourage you to be productive and amaze us with your talent. However, you're free to do whatever you want. Things people often involve themselves with include working on problems like Project Euler or ACM contest problems, contributing to open source projects, or just hacking on homework assignments. This is a night of being social, and we encourage you to attend! Some refreshments will be provided. As always, the most up-to-date information is available at our website, http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/. Check out our upcoming events, like next week's talk on GPU computing, future code parties, and our picnic! If you have any questions, send me a reply to this email, drop by our office in MC3036 (where you're always welcome to hang out), or check out our IRC channel, #csc on irc.freenode.net. Matthew McPherrin Computer Science Club Vice President
participants (1)
Computer Science Club