Guest Speaker Gavriel State: The Future of 3D Graphics is in Software! this Monday. | Code Party 1 Friday | CSC/CMC Cleanup (Important Notice Within) | Ctrl+D

Greetings again Daleklings, Finishing up our graphics-themed talks this term are Guest Speakers Gavriel State and Nicolas Capens from TransGaming giving a talk entitled "The Future of 3D Graphics is in Software!" The talk will happen Monday, July 22nd, 17:00, in MC 4020. Summary and link to full abstract below: Convergence between CPU and GPU approaches to processing sets the stage for an exciting transition to 3D rendering that takes place entirely in software. TransGaming's Nicolas Capens and Gavriel State will speak about this convergence and how it will influence the future of graphics. For more information please visit == Then, this coming Friday, come out to the Code Party (1) happening in the MC Comfy Lounge, July 26, at 19:00! Why sleep when you could be hacking on $your_favourite_project or doing $something_classy in great company? Join us for a night of coding, music, snacks, and camaraderie! Pizza and other refreshments will be provided. == The following Monday, July 29, we will be performing a thorough cleaning of the CSC and ex-CMC offices. ***** Items appearing to be forsaken and using up precious space, including electronics, food paraphernalia, personal papers, useless print material, etc. will (upon some consultation with regular office denizens) be disposed of. If you happen to be storing items in these rooms, please remove them or let us know when you will be able to pick them up. ***** The offices are considerably more welcoming to fall term frosh Daleklings when they are clean and have space. =) == Lastly, Ctrl+D, our termly EOT event, will be happening most likely Friday, August 2, at the usual Westcourt abode. If you are interested in coming and don't know the location, feel free to inquire at the office. == Your overlord, Calum T. Dalek EXSANGUINATE
participants (1)
Computer Science Club