Fall 2022 Election Nominations + New Services (Nextcloud, Shlink)

Hello everyone, The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for Fall 2022 in person, on Monday September 12 at 7PM (location TBD, likely MC/DC). The president, vice-president, treasurer, and assistant vice-president (formerly secretary) will be elected, and the sysadmin will be appointed. If you'd like to run for any of these positions or nominate someone, you can send an email to cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca, or present them in-person to the CRO, Juthika Hoque, or write your name on the whiteboard in the CSC office (MC 3036/3037). Nominations will close on Monday September 12 at 5PM. Another email will be sent out closer to the election date for the specific location. If you have any further questions about elections or nominations, please email cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. --- syscom is pleased to announce the release of two new services: CSC Files and CSC Links. CSC Files is our new Nextcloud instance accessible at https://files.csclub.uwaterloo.ca through CSC's Keycloak SSO. It's basically self-hosted Google Drive, and every member has 50GB of storage available to them. The following notable non-default Nextcloud apps are currently installed (subject to change): - Audio/Video Players, PDF viewers, etc. - Collabora office (with CODE server, self-hosted GSuite/MS Office in the browser) - Cospend (self-hosted Splitwise, a cost-sharing app for friend groups) - Extract (extract zip files) - Forms (self-hosted Google/Microsoft Forms) - Full text search (for files) - Google integration (for migration from Google Drive) - ShareRenamer (custom share URLs) - Transfer/NCDownloader (allows downloading videos, torrents and other files on the internet directly to your CSC Files account without having to download to a local computer and then re-upload it) NOTE: usage of this app (and all of CSC Files) is still covered by the Machine Usage Agreement, you may not do anything illegal with it. If you need more storage or would like another app installed, please email a proposal including a legitimate reason to syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca and we will consider your request. CSC Links is our new Shlink instance, a self-hosted URL shortener. Creating/managing shortlinks is currently limited to execs, but may change in the future. Official CSC shortlinks will now be exclusively served from the domain csclub.ca (i.e. https://csclub.ca/discord) --- syscom is switching over the default PHP version on caffeine from 7.4 (going out of support in November) to 8.2 around midnight between Saturday August 27th and Sunday August 28th. Please update any PHP websites accordingly. --- Best -- Raymond Li | https://raymond.li Systems Administrator Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo
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Computer Science Club