Constitutional Amendment, Sysadmin Ratification, BOT date, and much more!

Hello, The vote for the constitutional amendment will be delayed as our Beginning-of-Term event has been moved to Wednesday, January 29th, 2025. It will be held at STC 0060, 7:00pm. Discussion on the amendment is still open on our Discord server (, in the #constitution-amendments channel. The changes will be finalized by January 22nd, 2025, 7pm. Due to low participation and time conflicts at election, the Sysadmin for W25 was not ratified. At the BOT event on January 29th, the elected executives will appoint and ratify the Sysadmin for this semester. The BOT date is stated above. There will be a variety of activities such as; would-you-rather, squirt, and/or the limbo challenge. Come by to have a fun time and eat some great food! In addition, earlier in the week MathSoc is running a Mock Interviews, and they're looking for volunteer Mock Interviews. If you'd like to volunteer as a Mock Interviewer, contact Kareem, the MathSoc VPA this term to participate! You'll also receive free food if you volunteer at this event! Also, Alt-Tab will be making a return this term! Right now we're in the early stages of planning Alt-tab, but we will be running it this term! Alt-tab is an event where anyone can come up and present a 10-20 min presentation on any topic they'd like. In the past we've had topics such as; PXE Dream Servers, Desmos for Fun and for Profit, Python is Compiled, and so much more! We suggest preparing any topics you'd like to present now, as they normally take some time to make, and practice. In addition CSC plans on providing UNIX tutorial in supplement to the UW course curriculum, as well as giving an introduction for the general audience. If you are experienced with the subject, please reach out to Sourojeet to help out with it! ( Projects Program, headed by our community representatives is underway! Students will have the opportunity to make meaningful side projects to sharpen their skill and put it on their resume! Sign up for mentors and mentees will be available shortly, stay tuned for updates! If you'd like to be notified about future events and generally be informed about the happenings within CSC, we suggest joining the CSC-Newsletter, you can subscribe at Thank you, Sourojeet Adhikari Winter 2025 President University Of Waterloo Computer Science Club
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Computer Science Club