CS Club t-shirt design ideas

Hey good CSC membership, we're ordering a batch of t-shirts for subsidized sale in the office, and you have good ideas for t-shirt designs. So send us an email of this one cool design you think should be on the front of the t-shirt (CSC branding will be on the back). Examples: - A big lambda - A PDP-11 circuit diagram - An AVL tree - Monospaced "University of Waterloo Computer Science Club" - Traveling salesman route of all buildings on campus - Punch cards with holes punched out in the outline of a dalek Any ideas? Send 'em to exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca! (You can just reply to this email and it will go to exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca) -- Patrick Melanson Vice President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo pj2melan@csclub.uwaterloo.ca
participants (1)
Computer Science Club