Fall 2013 Nominations Closed

Nominations for the Fall 2013 elections have closed. The candidates are: President: - Dominik Chłobowski (dchlobow) - Elana Hashman (ehashman) - Sean Hunt (scshunt) - Marc Burns (m4burns) - Matt Thiffault (mthiffau) Vice-President: - Dmitri Tkatch (dtkatch) - Marc Burns (m4burns) - Sean Hunt (scshunt) - Visha Vijayanand (vvijayan) Treasurer: - Bernice Herghiligiu (baherghi) - Dominik Chłobowski (dchlobow) - Jonathan Bailey (jj2baile) - Marc Burns (m4burns) Secretary: - Dominik Chłobowski (dchlobow) - Edward Lee (e45lee) - Marc Burns (m4burns) Please plan to attend (4:30 PM tomorrow in the MC Comfy Lounge); if you are not able to attend, absentee ballots will be accepted until 3:30 PM tomorrow. -- Jeremy Roman Chief Returning Officer Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo
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Computer Science Club