Office Cleaning & Reminders / Sec Lecture 05 & C++ Night 0x05 / Hackathon

Hello, csc-general! As the term wraps up, our events wrap up as well. We have a few more left, so make sure you come out! First, a couple notices and reminders. CSC-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST WRAPS UP --- All entries are due this Wednesday, Nov. 13! Winners will be informed by November 15 and the next csc-general email will contain an application for shirts with a link to the winning design. OFFICE CLEANING NOTICE: Get your crap out of the office! --- A note from the office manager. You MUST have your personal belongings out of the office by the deadline. ``We will be cleaning out the office at some point during the exam period. We will be doing a complete inventory and getting rid of anything we do not wish to keep. If you have any personal belongings in the office, please remove them by Dec. 1st or we may throw them out or repossess them.'' I will note that MathSoc lockers this term do not require a signup, so you may choose to use them for storage. TORONTO ERLANG FACTORY LITE CONFERENCE SIGNUPS: Nov. 23 --- Don't forget to sign up on the web form to coordinate with the rest of the group! ( SECURITY & PRIVACY LECTURE 05, Trust in ISPs: Tue. Nov. 12, 5:00PM, MC 4060 --- Note the topic change. Zak's talk has been moved to Nov. 26. Abstract: Bell's recent announcement of their use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) brings to light a long-standing issue: your internet service provider (ISP) pwns you. They control your IP allocation, your DNS, your ARP, the AS paths. The question has never been about ability---it's about trust. Whether Rogers, AT&T, Virgin, Telus, Vodafone or Wind, your onramp to the internet is your first and most potent point of security failure. Founding member of the Canadian Cybersecurity Institute and employee of local ISP Sentex Sean Howard will vividly demo the reasons you need to be ble to trust your internet provider. Come for the talk, stay for the pizza! C++ GOINGNATIVE LECTURE 0x05 (FREE FOOD!): Thurs. Nov. 21, 6:30 PM, PHY 150 --- Our last C++ lecture is presented by Sean Parent, entitled "C++ Seasoning." Abstract: ``A look at many of the new features in C++ and a couple of old features you may not have known about. With the goal of correctness in mind, we'll see how to utilize these features to create simple, clear, and beautiful code. Just a little pinch can really spice things up.'' HACKATHON-CODE PARTY!! (MORE FREE FOOD): Fri. Nov. 22, 6:30 PM, Comfy Lounge (MC 3001) --- Join us for a night of code, food, and caffeine. There will be plenty of edibles and hacking for your enjoyment, including real food for consumption in addition to snacks. If you're not sure what to work on or you are interested in getting involved in Open Source, there will be mentors on hand to get you started. You are also free to come and work on your homework or eat the food. EXTERMINATE, -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo
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Computer Science Club