Fall 2012 Elections Have Begun

Greetings members! The election period for Fall 2012 Computer Science Club executive has begun! Come down to the MC Comfy Lounge on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 4:00PM, where elections will be held for this term's President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Sysadmin, Librarian and Office Manager selections will also occur at this time. Nominations will run until Monday September 17, 2012 at 4:00PM. You can submit a nomination ( including yourself ) by writing the person's user id in the nomination chart on the office whiteboard. Alternatively, you may e-mail nominations to this term's CRO at cro@csclub.uwaterloo.ca . We're holding our first "welcome back" code party of the term on Friday September 14th! Come join us in the MC Comfy Lounge (MC 3001). Whether you're a hacking guru or a newbie to computer science, you're welcome to attend; there will be activities for all! Our party is loosely themed as a Linux installfest, where we will have a team of members dedicated to helping individuals install and learn to use one of many flavours of Linux. Everyone is welcome, so please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. With warm regards, Calum T. Dalek Chairbeing Extraordinaire
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Computer Science Club