Hello, This e-mail is being sent with regards to the club office staff members for the Fall term. I'd like to begin by thanking everyone who came to the scheduled staff training session and who proceeded to restore the office to its former semi-clean self. Your help is greatly appreciated and I will endeavor to ensure that general level of cleanliness does not fall too far from where it is now. As for the second order of business, the following office staffers were selected to become keyed staffers and will be receiving their keys shortly. 1) b4taylor 2) mimcpher 3) ajacob 4) jdmpapin 5) amstan My decision was based on two main factors. First, you were only considered for a key if you actually showed up to the event and secondly proficiency and familiarity with general club running procedure. *If for whatever reason you were unable to attend the training session* and were an Office Staff member in previous terms, if you would like to have your position reinstated, please respond to this e-mail and indicate as such. Without these additions, the list of office staff members currently resembles the following ajacob amstan a4park b4taylor dchlobow jdmpapin jdonland kshyatt kfarnwor mimcpher mthiffau nhaghtal If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know. Thanks, -- Sayed Khader, Office Manager Computer Science Club University of Waterloo
participants (1)
Computer Science Club