Hi everyone, The CSC is going bowling this Saturday (March 6th) at the Waterloo Bowling Lanes. We'll be bowling from 5pm-7pm. The bowling alley is located at 14 Princess Street West, but if you don't feel like navigating we will be meeting at the CSC Office starting at 4pm and going to the bowling alley some time after that. If you go bring $9.75; this covers 2 games and shoe rental, which is what we'll be staying for, though you are welcome to continue bowling after the first two games. -- Edgar Bering, Vice President ebering at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
participants (1)
Computer Science Club