Upcoming CSC events: Prof Talk, Uncode Party, Alt-Tab

Greetings programs, We have three Computer Science Club events coming up. There will be food. Professor Richard Mann's talk on black box testing of audio gear is tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:00 PM in MC 4059. Details at http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/events/MC_4059-2018-03-22-6:00pm. There will be food. We are having a joint Code Party with Women in Computer Science (WiCS) next Monday, March 26 at 7:00 PM in QNC 2502. This time, it's an Uncode Party, where you try to find the worst solutions possible to programming problems that we will provide. For example, http://wiki.c2.com/?SlowSort. Come and write shoddy code with us. No prior experience required, but most of you probably have some. You can work on your projects or your assignments too. There will be food. Finally, Alt-Tab is on Wednesday, March 28 in MC 4020 at 6:00 PM until late. We will listen to at least seven confirmed talks from a variety of members. Expect another email with talk titles and a schedule soon. There will be food. See you all there! There will be food. Charlie Wang Vice President Computer Science Club
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Computer Science Club