Hi everyone, This term we (myself and the volunteers who help me run events) are planning on organizing a series (3-4) of talks by you all (the members) about things you want to talk about. I know that a lot of you have various personal side projects, have taken strange courses (or even done reading on the side) about interesting topics, and are generally very outspoken. So, if you would like to present your ideas (or what you've learned) in a more formal setting to a large audience (not that formal and not that large, don't be scared) please reply with your idea, preferably as a title and an abstract (short summary) for the talk you'd like to give. We will in some fair manner (probably a poll conducted somehow, that or heated debate in a smoke filled back room) which talks get selected. If you've never given a talk before but are interested, don't worry; someone on the program committee will help you through the process, things from presentation tips to making sure that the room is booked and has the materials you need. A final piece of information for all of you potential talk-givers who are itching to write an abstract: the club has typically held talks around 4:30pm on Tuesday or Thursday. This time just seems to work well. Tentative dates are the following Tuesdays: Feb 9, Mar 2, Mar 16, and Mar 30. If these days don't work for you but you'd still like to speak, just say so in your message and we'll see what we can do. -- Edgar Bering, Vice President ebering at uwaterloo dot ca Computer Science Club http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering Mathematics Society MC 3036, (519)888-4567,x33870 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1