Greetings, programs! Hoping your midterms aren't going too poorly. If you'd like a study break, we have an event tonight, as well as a number of others upcoming... C++ GOINGNATIVE LECTURE 0x02 (TONIGHT! FREE FOOD!): Thurs. Oct. 17, 6:30 PM, PHY 150 --- The second in a series of recorded talks from GoingNative 2013, featuring Stephan T. Lavavej tonight! C++ has powerful rules for dealing with low-level program structure. Before a program is ever executed, the compiler determines valuable information about every expression in the source code. The compiler understands exactly how long each object's resources will be needed (lifetime), whether each expression refers to an object that the program has no other way of accessing (rvalueness), and what operations can be performed on each object (type). Using examples from C++98 through C++14, this presentation will demonstrate how to write code that works with the compiler's knowledge to increase robustness, efficiency, and clarity. This presentation will also demonstrate the horrible things that happen when programmers think they can do tasks that are better left to compilers. Last chance for CSC GOES BOWLING AT BINGEMANS: Wed. Oct. 23, Evening --- This is your last chance to sign up. Fill out the form (http://goo.gl/GDjL2V) by Oct. 18, 4PM. Bowling is free, transportation will be provided, and we may even have free food! CSC SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST --- It's been a while since we last ordered shirts for members. As such, we would like to order a new batch, and invite you to supply the design for the shirt! The winning candidate (and possibly some runner-ups) will receive a free shirt in the size of their choice. Please send your submissions to exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca. A signup sheet for shirts will be available after the winner is chosen. SECURITY & PRIVACY LECTURE 03, Practical Tor: Thurs. Oct. 24, 6:30PM, DC 1302 --- Simon Gladstone offers the second lecture of our Security and Privacy series this term for a practical seminar on Tor usage. Please bring your laptops! Quoth Simon, ``An introduction to and overview of how to use the Tor Browser Bundle to browse the "Deep Web" and increase security while browsing the Internet. Tor is not the be all end all of Internet security, but it is definitely a step up from using the more popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.'' Calum suggests that when in doubt on your papers, you should "EXTERMINATE!!!" -- Elana Hashman President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo ehashman@uwaterloo.ca