Hey CSC programs! A quick update on some stuff you might be interested in: --COOL SHIRTS-- One of our member made a cool goose design for a shirt last term, and last term's CSC did a t-shirt run that was popular and ran out really quickly. We're doing another run of shirts this term, this time in maroon! Shirts come in women's and unisex styles. Perfect if you missed out last time. The shirt samples are here: https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~exec/w18-shirt-mockups.pdf Tell us your shirt style, size, and your name and we'll order you your very own shirt! $15 cash in the office or $15.75 by PayPal. We can't ship shirts anywhere, but we'll hold onto it so you or a friend can pick it up at a later date. --FREE STUFF-- For on-campus members, we took a crack at cleaning out the office and have some computer hardware that you can plunder in a box outside the office. Motherboards, CPUs, and cool trinkets. Swing by the office and feel free to plunder. --AWESOME SPEAKER-- We're bringing in an out-of-town speaker by popular request, Jon "maddog" Hall! He'll be talking and having a discussion group on the 12th and 13th of March (in a couple weeks). Keep an eye on our Facebook and mailing list for details! Here is his talk: -Programming for the Twenty-Second Century- Many things have changed since the early days of programming, but many programs are written as if they were for the machines of the 20th century which had small memories, no cache, single core CPUs, small address spaces. Even the definition of "performance" has changed. This talk will investigate some of these issues and hopefully lead people to better programming. Have a rad time, fellow programs! -- Patrick Melanson President Computer Science Club