4:30pm on this thurs, next tues Hello good membership, more things coming up. This Thursday (the 18th) we're having office training in the CSC at 4:30 pm. The next office training session is next Tuesday (the 23rd). If you want to be office staff, come out! Also, reminder that this Friday at 6 pm we're having Unix 102, where Gianni Gambetti will be covering some trickier topics in bash. Facebook event here <https://www.facebook.com/events/103576169982565/>. And now the big doozy, CSC/WiCS goes outside! We're co-hosting our goes outside event with them this term, and they're bringing s'mores. Come join Friday the 25th at 7 pm for s'mores and froyo: CSC/WiCS goes outside <https://www.facebook.com/events/450642128431191/>. See you at a subset of these! -- Patrick Melanson Vice President Computer Science Club University of Waterloo pj2melan@csclub.uwaterloo.ca